Telekom predajni z Tesca v Banskej Bystrici sa staráme o facebookovú stránku, s cieľom získať čo najviac fanúšikov z okolia Banskej Bystrice.
Telekom predajni z Tesca v Banskej Bystrici sa staráme o facebookovú stránku, s cieľom získať čo najviac fanúšikov z okolia Banskej Bystrice.
Wynergie s.r.o.
J. Murgaša 57, 071 01 Michalovce
Since 2007 company Wynergie, s.r.o. is focused to operating of several content internet portals, creating of webpages and content portals for companies and organisations and providing of services of internet marketing and online public relations. More than 4 years we helps our clients to create webpages with professional content with modern look and get the target customers and users onto them.
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